Novida Design Workshops
Novida Design Workshops… Participative, Agile, Innovative, Lean, Effective, Realizable Concept Design Development of Strategy and Business Model, Brand,…
Novida Design Workshops… Participative, Agile, Innovative, Lean, Effective, Realizable Concept Design Development of Strategy and Business Model, Brand,…
Novida Founder and CEO Işık D. Aydın’s Article on ‘Strategic IT Management (BITA)’ has been published on Işık…
Novida Stratejik Yönetim Hizmetleri Kurucusu Işık Deliorman Aydın, İşte Kadınlar’ın sorularını yanıtladı. Işık Deliorman Aydın, “Gerçekten başarılı girişimci…
Novida 5-Steps Transformation Solutions and NovHow Cultural Transformation Programs, if you would like to Increase/Accelerate Return-on-Your Investments; Align Your Strategic…
Article re: Enhancing Productivity and Agility with Business Solutions, written by Işık Deliorman Aydın, Founder and CEO of…
Article re: Realizing Digital Transformation in Real Sense, written by Işık Deliorman Aydın, Founder and CEO of Novida,…
“We are inviting you to our discussion with (international) experts re: ‘How digitalization transform our world, industry and…