


‘We started off with the passion of ‘Illuminating The Way Forward and Becoming Your Companion

In Realizing Your Inspirations of Growth’.

Growth of people, start-ups, businesses and institutions, hence enhancement of our world, is our greatest ideal!’

Novida Strategic Management Services Trade Ltd. Co.(‘Novida’) is an Effective Business and Market Development; Investment and Access to Finance; Strategy/Policy/Program; Business, Digital and Cultural Transformation; Innovation and Sustainability Solutions Provider and Integrator.

Novida is the Trusted Advisor and Companion of Corporations, Companies, Entrepreneurs, Investors and Leaders in Transforming Their Dreams into Strategies and Getting Them Realized!

Novida integrates and provides turn-key, agile, reliable, efficient and effective solutions in line with the requirements of Corporations, Investors, Entrepreneurs, Owners/Leaders of Enterprises having dreams about enabling ecomonic, environment and social sustainability, developing strategies/policies/programs, accessing/going-to, investing in International markets, growing and transforming their business and cultures. 

Novida has a competent and experienced team and Business/Solution Partners in transforming dreams into strategies, strategies into real life, and realities into sustainable business results.

Novida enables organizations in the whole business growth and transformation efforts via to-the-point industry and product-based market intelligence; targeted strategies and business model definition; exportation, market/business development and market entry; investments and mergers/acquisitions; asset/resource optimization and financial solutions; branding and institutionalization; operational excellence; digital, cultural and organizational development solutions in a ‘rapid, agile, customized, systematic and effective’ manner.

‘Setting Novida signature underneath the success of plenty of organizations & leaders;

thus, being crowned with respect & admiration for the value we add & the companionship we establish!’

In line with ourPassion, Promise and Value Proposition, Novidais committed to achieving long-term sustainability by all means.


For a company like Novida, for whom the ultimate objective is to ‘make business objectives, strategies and transformation realized and business results achieved’, importance of ‘Business Sustainability’ for our own ‘Value Chain’ as well as our Clients’ end-to-end business and value chain is undeniable in regards to business success.We expect High Standards in all our dealings. Thus, we integrate Sustainability into our Business conduct and activities.

Our Company:

  1. Fully complies with Laws and Legislations (local and international as needed) and Terms of Stakeholder Agreements.
  2. Recognises her obligations towards all its Stakeholders (eg. our Customers, Suppliers, Business and Solution Partners, Employees, and broader Community) across the Value Chain in all her dealings and relationships as embedded in her company culture and values.
  3. Continually revises and updates solutions portfolio and her competencies according to evolving market realities and expectations, requirements.
  4. Maintains and expands quality relationships and business conduct.
  5. Maintains and demands high ethical and professional standards in carrying out her business activities.
  6. Sticks to the principles of ‘confidentiality, privacy, transparency and openness’ with all her Stakeholders.
  7. Continually upgrades theeffectiveness and safety of its expertise, teams, tools and methods, competencies, product, service,solutions.
  8. Acts responsibly and contributes to the sustainability of the environment.
  9. Steadily seeks asset optimization; as well as efficiency, productivity and effectiveness improvement.
  10. Aims and takes precautions for cost, waste, and carbon reduction.


In order to Fulfill the Sustainability Principles, our Sustainability Strategies incorporates:

  1. Integration into Business Conduct and Activities:We will integrate the 10 Sustainability Principles into our Business Conduct and Activities on an ongoing basis.
  2. Measurement, Monitoring and Improvement of Sustainability Objectives and Strategies: We will define KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) to measure, monitor and improve above 10 Sustainability Principles.
  3. Assessment of our Sustainability Success: We will use ‘Ecovadis Platform’ to periodically assess our Sustainability Score and ensure that our policies, processes, operations, activities and relationships encompass Sustainability Principles.
  4. Sustainability Initiatives and Best Practices:We will become alert and perceptive in identifying Market, Stakeholders and Customer specific Sustainability Initiatives and Best Practices; adopt the ones suitable for our own Business and integrate into our Plans, Policies and Processes.
  5. Increased Positive Impact and Effectiveness: In order to increase the positive and increased impact of our solutions, relationships and competencies; we will fulfill on our commitments as to Customer expectations (as mutually agreed); care for ‘confidentiality, privacy, transparency and openness; assess and improve business impact of her solutions and projects; update and upgrade our expertise, competencies and solutions portfolio; while optimizing and improving assets; and reducing costs, carbon and waste; create a working environment where ‘the best’ people would like to work, get engaged and give of their best.
  6. Social Responsibility:We will ensure we contribute to Businesses and Communities with our competencies, expertise, solutions, operations andnetwork and try extend our reach.


The herein expressedPrinciples, Objectives, and Strategies are defined, monitored, reviewed and improved by the Founder and CEO of Novida.

In the pursuit of integrating them into Daily Business Conduct and Activities, the Marketing and Communication Documents and Channels, the Proposals and Contracts (Customers, Business and Solution Partners, Suppliers, Consultants, Experts, Employees, Network), and Communications with Stakeholders incorporate those Principles, Objectives, and Strategies.

Besides informing our Stakeholders, our expectation from them is to abide by and act in full accordance with those Principles. Furthermore, their improvement suggestions and proposals are expected and integrated as seen suitable by the Founder of Novida.


  1. Compliance:
  • We work with Professional Financial and Legal Advisors to ask, clarify and get advice in case of new topics, conflicts or legal/financial legislation and related developments.
  • We formalize all our business conduct with Stakeholders through mutually agreed Protocols, Agreements and Contracts; we store and back-up all formal communication and business correspondence in our Servers.
  • We fully comply with the Laws and Legislation (eg. Labor Law, Competitive Law, Trade Law, Privacy Law, etc.); Standards and Certification Requirements (eg. TSE (Turkish Standards Institute), EBRD, TurQuality, etc.) and Bids/Tenders and Corporate Customer Requirements, impacting our business, specifying early enough and clearly in case of any reservations.
  • We keep our Ethical Standards high and expect the same from all our Stakeholders.
  1. Stakeholder Relations:
  • We envision ‘becoming Trusted Advisor and Companion’ of our Stakeholders. This takes a long-term and dependable engagement where solid principles and values are visible by the Stakeholders in dealings.
  • Our Cultural Principles (Values): Trustworthiness • Professionalism • Authenticity • Respectability•Innovation.
  • Our Business Principles (Values): Turn-key• Agile • Efficient • Effective• Reliable.
  • We always keep in mind our Cultural and Business Principles and ‘Companionship’ approach in our mind and reflect in our attitude in doing business with all our Stakeholders. They are reflected in our marketing, communication, relationships, tools and methods, approaches, solutions portfolio, consultants, employees and project outcomes.
  • We develop 1-3 years of Strategic Plans and Roadmap to ensure consistency and sustainability of business.
  • We respect our Stakeholders,their Intellectual/Industrial and Commercial Property Rights as well as Confidentiality and Privacy Requirements.
  • We are keen in maintaining a professional and quality relationships and business conduct with our Stakeholders; and we adopt a transparent and open attitude.
  • We ask feedback from our Stakeholders and revisit our Policies, Plans, Approaches, Relationships, Projects to improve.
  1. Competence:
  • We continuallyscan market developments and shifting Customer requirements and expectations, update and upgrade our competencies, network of expertise and solution portfolio and content.
  • This is done by attending digital and physical trainings, seminars, conferences etc.; acquiring new skills, expertise and competencies to team; engaging subject matter experts in projects, etc.
  • Besides we learn a lot from our Customers and Business and Solution Partners, in terms of applying new methods and approaches, adopting policies like Sustainability and Standards as required by them.
  • We are keen in expanding our portfolio of local and international Consultants, Subject Matter Expertise, and Network.
  • Whenever possible, we employ Purchasing Procedures that enable us select Suppliers and 3rd Party Service Providers on the basis ofspecification, quality, service and economic factors and favour those who operate in anethical and socially responsible manner and who are committed to minimising the impactof their operations on the environment.
  1. Efficiency and Effectiveness:
  • We continually seek opportunities to identify areas of efficiency and cost gains; act on them and optimize asset utilization (eg. Consultancy and Project Management time by using Efficient Tools and Methods; using IT and digital tools effectively; improving communication Channels, etc.)
  • We develop the most effective tools and methods based on globally accepted novel methods (eg. Novida Management System© to assess business alignment end-to-end; Novida 4E© in Transformation; Novida 5-Steps© (5-S) Solutions for effective business transformation and project management; Strategic Doing© in agile strategy development, Dream2Live®in creative and innovative concept/idea generation; Dream2Digital®in Digital Transformation; Novhow® Leadership and Cultural Transformation, White Papers for Investment Projects, Needs Assessment Questionnaire for Financial and Investment, Business, Digital and Cultural Requirements, etc.)
  • We are keen in making the transformation realized and expected project/business results are achieved by the Customer as an outcome of the project we deliver. Thus, ‘effectiveness’ is our major concern.
  1. Diversity, Health and Safety:
  • We comply with the local Laws and Legislation, and Municipal Requirements in terms of Health and Safety.
  • We take all the precautions to ensure physical health and safety of our Employees and Consultants (eg. Insured and Legally Certified Office Space, Office with Safe Environment (eg. Facility with Security, Fire Extinguishers, Alarm, Fire Escape, Access to Hospitals in case of Emergency, etc.)
  • We work with Professional 3rd Parties in ensuring the safe and secure Hosting, Network and Internet Infrastructure, IT Services (eg. Google Services, etc.), Back-Up, etc… provision.
  • We use legal original software and digital services.
  • We strive to ensure equal opportunity for all in recruitment, selection, promotion, employee development, training and reward policies and procedures. We provide chances for ‘young’ people.
  • We do not tolerate discrimination and other unacceptable behaviors and do not condone the use of child labour.
  • We strive to retain and develop employees and to help them to fulfill their potential.
  • We apply fair and competitive Compensation and Benefit Policies for our Employees, as well as Service Fees for our Consultants and Subject Matter Experts.
  • We are committed to designing, developing and delivering high standards of services and solutions.
  1. Environment:
  • We comply with the local (and International as needed) Laws, Legislation, and Standards to continually improve our environmental performance in recognition of the need for a sustainable future.
  • We are keen in reducing our impact on the environment and adapting our business to the consequences of climate change and depletion of natural resources, by incorporating sustainability issues in our business plans, decisions and by our commitment to conduct our business accordingly.
  • We are perceptive in identifying Initiatives and Best Practices in regards to Environment; adopt the ones suitable for our own Business and integrate into our Plans, Policies and Processes.
  • Wherever possible, we consider environmental issues and choices of energy efficient solutions in our business decisions and processes.
  • We reduce waste (eg. preferring, using and imposing digital rather than hard copy, wherever possible) in all our activities. Where waste is unavoidably created, we use the re-use, recycling, recovery and disposal in the most appropriate manner giving full consideration to environmental issues.
  • We prefer Business and Solution Partners, Consultants, Experts, Employees,3rd Parties and Suppliers who are similarly keen on Environmental Sustainability. We motivate, demand and wherever needed, educate them to work in a sustainable manner.


This Policy is prepared by the Founder and CEO of Novida Strategic Management Services Trade Ltd. Co. and reviewed annually. The CEO is as well accountable for ensuring operation within this Policy. This Policy is communicated with Novida  Team and accessible to Employees via Google-Drive (Novida  Intra-Company Site).

This Policy is reviewed and signed by Founder and CEO of Novida:

  • Version 0: January 2014
  • Version 1: February 2017
  • Version 2: March 2020



‘We started off with the passion of ‘Illuminating The Way Forward and Becoming Your Companion

In Realizing Your Inspirations of Growth’.

Growth of people, start-ups, businesses and institutions, hence enhancement of our world, is our greatest ideal!’

Novida Strategic Management Services Trade Ltd. Co.(‘Novida’) is an Effective Business and Market Development; Investment and Access to Finance; Strategy/Policy/Program; Business, Digital and Cultural Transformation; Innovation and Sustainability Solutions Provider and Integrator.

Novida is the Trusted Advisor and Companion of Corporations, Companies, Entrepreneurs, Investors and Leaders in Transforming Their Dreams into Strategies and Getting Them Realized!

Novida integrates and provides turn-key, agile, reliable, efficient and effective solutions in line with the requirements of Corporations, Investors, Entrepreneurs, Owners/Leaders of Enterprises having dreams about enabling ecomonic, environment and social sustainability, developing strategies/policies/programs, accessing/going-to, investing in International markets, growing and transforming their business and cultures. 

Novida has a competent and experienced team and Business/Solution Partners in transforming dreams into strategies, strategies into real life, and realities into sustainable business results.

Novida enables organizations in the whole business growth and transformation efforts via to-the-point industry and product-based market intelligence; targeted strategies and business model definition; exportation, market/business development and market entry; investments and mergers/acquisitions; asset/resource optimization and financial solutions; branding and institutionalization; operational excellence; digital, cultural and organizational development solutions in a ‘rapid, agile, customized, systematic and effective’ manner.

‘Setting Novida signature underneath the success of plenty of organizations & leaders;

thus, being crowned with respect & admiration for the value we add & the companionship we establish!’

In line with ourPassion, Promise and Value Proposition, Novidais committed to achieving long-term sustainability by all means.


Within the ultimate goal of keeping global warming below 20C, due to intensified climate change globally; urgent need for taking all necessary precautions for increased efficiency in energy became the global priority of humanity. Being a socially responsible Company, Novida, earnestly seeks measures and sets procedures to relieve the said impact.Novidaaims at setting example in terms of sustainable growth in all dimensions, like economic, business, social and environment.

Energy conservation and management at Novidais:

  1. an integral part of our business conduct and activities.
  2. is regarded as the duty and responsibility of all Executives and Employees, as well as Consultants, Experts, Partners.
  3. implemented in accordance with related laws and regulations in the field of sustainable development.
  4. a primary ‘criteria of decision’ in case of facilities and office building selections.
  5. treated as a major extension of Business Sustainability Policy in case of employee orientation and trainings.
  6. is monitored on a monthly basisvia utility bills.
  7. is sought to be improved by getting suggestions of Building Management and Stakeholders of Novida.
  8. is improved by taking relevant actions to reduce the consumption.
  9. dealt with seriously by taking relevant actions on:
  • efficient use of utilities (electricity, water, heating, etc),
  • use of up-to-date technology, software and equipment,
  • energy reduction on IT infrastructure,
  • reduction of emissions from transportation.


In order to Fulfill the Sustainability Principles, our Energy ConservationStrategies incorporates:

  1. Integration into Business Conduct and Activities:We will integrate the 9Energy Conservationand Management Principles into our Business Conduct and Activities on an ongoing basis.
  2. Measurement, Monitoring and Improvement of Sustainability Objectives and Strategies: We will define KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) to measure, monitor and improve above 9 Energy Conservation and Management Principles.
  3. Assessment of our Energy Conservation Success: We will use ‘Ecovadis Platform’ to periodically assess our Sustainability Score and ensure that our policies, processes, operations, activities and relationships encompass Energy Management Principles, thereunder stated.
  4. Energy Conservation Initiatives and Best Practices:We will become alert and perceptive in identifying Market, Stakeholders and Customer specific Energy Conservation and Management Initiatives and Best Practices; adopt the ones suitable for our own Business and integrate into our Plans, Policies and Processes.
  5. Increased Positive Impact and Effectiveness: In order to increase the positive and increased impact of ourCompany, we will act responsibly, promote and set example in energy conservation and management.
  6. Social Responsibility:We will ensure we contribute to Businesses and Communities with our energy conservation and management Actions and practices.


The herein expressedPrinciples, Objectives, and Strategies are defined, monitored, reviewed and improved by the Founder and CEO of Novida.

In the pursuit of integrating them into Daily Business Conduct and Activities, the Marketing and Communication Documents and Channels, the Proposals and Contracts (Customers, Business and Solution Partners, Suppliers, Consultants, Experts, Employees, Network), and Communications with Stakeholders incorporate those Principles, Objectives, and Strategies.

Besides informing our Stakeholders, our expectation from them is to abide by and act in full accordance with those Principles. Furthermore, their improvement suggestions and proposals are expected and integrated as seen suitable by the Founder of Novida.

On a monthly basis, the energy bills are reviewed and compared by the Founder and CEO of Novida, and related Actions to reduce consumption are communicated to the Employees.


  1. Compliance:
  • We fully comply with the Laws and Legislation; Standards and Certification Requirementsand Bids/Tenders and Corporate Customer Requirements in terms of energy conservation and management, impacting our business, specifying early enough and clearly in case of any reservations.
  • We integrate this Policy and Principles into Daily business conduct and activities, and act in full compliance.
  1. Stakeholder Relations:
  • We envision ‘becoming Trusted Advisor and Companion’ of our Stakeholders. This takes a long-term and dependable engagement where solid principles and values are visible by the Stakeholders in dealings.
  • We develop 1-3 years of Strategic Plans and Roadmap to ensure consistency and sustainability of business.
  • We integrate Business Sustainability, and as an extension the ‘Energy Conservation and Management’ Policy as Addendum to our Employment Contracts, and Employeee Orientations and Trainings.
  • We get suggestions for improvement in energy conservation and management from all our Stakeholders; and act on them as needed.
  • We seek, promote and share best practices regarding energy conservation and management with all our Stakeholders for their convenience and application.
  1. Competence:
  • Whenever possible, we attend digital and physical trainings, seminars, conferences etc. in regards to energy conservation and management.
  • Whenever possible, we employ Purchasing Procedures that enable us select Suppliers and 3rd Party Service Providers who care for and responsibly on energy conservation and management.
  1. Efficiency and Effectiveness:
  • We continually scan best practices and suggestions to improve energy conservation and management, and adopt the ones applicable for our own business.
  • We are keen in ensuring energy consumption is optimized in all our business activities and projects with Clients.
  • We work with Professional 3rd Parties who would suggest the best means of energy conservation and management in all infrastructure, products, equipment, technology and services.
  • We encourage our Employees, Consultants, Subject Matter Experts, Business/Solution Partners to utilize the most efficient and effective means of transportation, as well as utilities.


This Policy is prepared by the Founder and CEO of Novida Strategic Management Services Trade Ltd. Co. and reviewed annually. The CEO is as well accountable for ensuring operation within this Policy. This Policy is communicated with Novida  Team and accessible to Employees via Google-Drive (Novida  Intra-Company Site).

This Policy is reviewed and signed by Founder and CEO of Novida:

  • Version 0: March 2020



‘We started off with the passion of ‘Illuminating The Way Forward and Becoming Your Companion 

In Realizing Your Inspirations of Growth’. 

Growth of people, start-ups, businesses and institutions, hence enhancement of our world, is our greatest ideal!’

Novida Strategic Management Services Trade Ltd. Co. (‘Novida’) is an  Effective Business and Market Development; Investment and Access to Finance;  Strategy/Policy/ Program; Business, Digital and Cultural Transformation; Innovation and Sustainability Solutions Provider and Integrator.

Novida is the Trusted Advisor and Companion of Corporations, Companies, Entrepreneurs, Investors and Leaders in Transforming Their Dreams into Strategies and Getting Them Realized!

Novida integrates and provides turn-key, agile, reliable, efficient and effective solutions in line with the requirements of Corporations, Investors, Entrepreneurs, Owners/Leaders of Enterprises having dreams about enabling ecomonic, environment and social sustainability, developing strategies/policies/programs, accessing/going-to, investing in International markets, growing and transforming their business and cultures. 

Novida has a competent and experienced team and Business/Solution Partners in transforming dreams into strategies, strategies into real life, and realities into sustainable business results.

Novida enables organizations in the whole business growth and transformation efforts via to-the-point industry and product-based market intelligence; targeted strategies and business model definition; exportation, market/business development and market entry; investments and mergers/acquisitions; asset/resource optimization and financial solutions; branding and institutionalization; operational excellence; digital, cultural and organizational development solutions in a ‘rapid, agile, customized, systematic and effective’ manner.

‘Setting Novida signature underneath the success of plenty of organizations & leaders; 

thus, being crowned with respect & admiration for the value we add & the companionship we establish!’

In line with our Passion, Promise and Value Proposition, Novida is committed to achieving long-term sustainability by all means.


As Novida , we interpret ‘Waste Management’ as preventing or reducing as much possible as the negative effects of our business conduct and activities on the environment. Such negative effects may be in the form of pollution of surface water, gorundwater, soil and air; landfilling; greenhouse effect; or any activity resulting in risks to human and nature health and safety. 

Being a socially responsible Company, Novida, earnestly seeks measures and sets procedures to relieve the said impact. Novida aims at setting example in terms of sustainable growth in all dimensions, like economic, business, social and environment.

We are committed to: 

  1. The protection of the environment through the implementation of effective Waste Management Practices.
  2. Ensuring that waste is dealt with in a way that creates the least negative impact on our environment.
  3. Meeting or exceeding all legislative and regulatory requirements placed on Waste Management.
  4. Implementing ‘Waste Management’ in accordance with related laws and regulations in the field of sustainable development.
  5. Regarding ‘Waste Management’ as the duty and responsibility of all Executives and Employees, as well as Consultants, Experts, Partners.
  6. Treating ‘Waste Management’ as a major extension of Business Sustainability Policy in case of employee orientation and trainings.
  7. Improving ‘Waste Management’ by getting suggestions of Building Management and Stakeholders of Novida.
  8. Improving Waste Management’ by taking relevant relevant actions on:
  • Reduction: not producing waste, as an initial step.
  • Reuse: making sure we or someone else can make use of it fully or partially.
  • Recovery: ensuring recycling units are used for waste, and only waste that cannot be recycled goes into the bins.
  • Disposal: striving to keep disposal to a minimum, as it is the most destructive means to send waste to landfill.


In order to Fulfill the Sustainability Principles, our Waste Management Strategies incorporates:

  1. Integration into Business Conduct and Activities: We will integrate the 8 Waste Management Principles into our Business Conduct and Activities on an ongoing basis.
  2. Measurement, Monitoring and Improvement of Sustainability Objectives and Strategies: We will define KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) to measure, monitor and improve above 8 Waste Management Principles.
  3. Assessment of our Waste Management Success: We will use ‘Ecovadis Platform’ to periodically assess our Sustainability Score and ensure that our policies, processes, operations, activities and relationships encompass Waste Management Principles, thereunder stated.
  4. Waste Management Initiatives and Best Practices: We will become alert and perceptive in identifying Market, Stakeholders and Customer specific Waste Management Initiatives and Best Practices; adopt the ones suitable for our own Business and integrate into our Plans, Policies and Processes.
  5. Increased Positive Impact and Effectiveness: In order to increase the positive and increased impact of our Company, we will act responsibly, promote and set example in waste management.
  6. Social Responsibility: We will ensure we contribute to Businesses and Communities with our waste management actions and practices.


The herein expressed Principles, Objectives, and Strategies are defined, monitored, reviewed and improved by the Founder and CEO of Novida. 

In the pursuit of integrating them into Daily Business Conduct and Activities, the Marketing and Communication Documents and Channels, the Proposals and Contracts (Customers, Business and Solution Partners, Suppliers, Consultants, Experts, Employees, Network), and Communications with Stakeholders incorporate those Principles, Objectives, and Strategies. 

Besides informing our Stakeholders, our expectation from them is to abide by and act in full accordance with those Principles. Furthermore, their improvement suggestions and proposals are expected and integrated as seen suitable by the Founder of Novida.

Related actions to reduce waste are communicated to the Employees by the Founder and CEO of Novida.


  1. Compliance:
  • We fully comply with the Laws and Legislation; Standards and Certification Requirements and Bids/Tenders and Corporate Customer Requirements in terms of waste management, impacting our business, specifying early enough and clearly in case of any reservations.
  • We integrate this Policy and Principles into Daily business conduct and activities, and act in full compliance.
  • We dispose any ‘hazardous’ waste (eg. IT and Telecommunication, Consumer and Lighting Equipment, Electrical and Electronical Tools, Medical Devices and Pharmacies, etc.) according to the related Laws and Legislation.

      2. Stakeholder Relations:

  • We envision ‘becoming Trusted Advisor and Companion’ of our Stakeholders. This takes a long-term and dependable engagement where solid principles and values are visible by the Stakeholders in dealings.
  • We develop 1-3 years of Strategic Plans and Roadmap to ensure consistency and sustainability of business.
  • We integrate Business Sustainability, and as an extension the ‘Waste Management’ Policy as Addendum to our Employment Contracts, and Employeee Orientations and Trainings.
  • We particularly care for the disposal of ‘Confidential and Private’ documents of our Stakeholders. All such waste is shredded and entered in the relevant Recycling Stream (like paper recycling).
  • We get suggestions for improvement in waste management from all our Stakeholders; and act on them as needed.
  • We seek, promote and share best practices regarding waste management with all our Stakeholders for their convenience and application.

      3. Competence:

  • Whenever possible, we attend digital and physical trainings, seminars, conferences etc. in regards to waste management.
  • Whenever possible, we employ Purchasing Procedures that enable us select Suppliers and 3rd Party Service Providers who care for and responsibly on waste management. 

      4. Efficiency and Effectiveness:

  • We continually scan best practices and suggestions to improve waste management, and adopt the ones applicable for our own business.
  • We are keen in ensuring waste (paper, naylon, ink, etc.)  is reduced in all our business activities and projects with Clients.
  • We work with Professional 3rd Parties who would suggest the best means of waste management in all infrastructure, products, equipment, technology and services, as well as recycling of IT Equipment.
  • We encourage our Employees, Consultants, Subject Matter Experts, Business/Solution Partners to reduce paper consumption and recycle office waste (paper, newspapers, magazines, envelopes, cardboards, ink cartridges/toners, cans and glasses, batteries, etc.)
  • We use the Recycling Units of the facilities and office buildings we reside or visit.


This Policy is prepared by the Founder and CEO of Novida Strategic Management Services Trade Ltd. Co. and reviewed annually. The CEO is as well accountable for ensuring operation within this Policy. This Policy is communicated with Novida  Team and accessible to Employees via Google-Drive (Novida  Intra-Company Site).

This Policy is reviewed and signed by Founder and CEO of Novida:

  • Version 0: March 2020