Strategy Development
Embark on an engaging strategy development experience through our agile workshops.
Revel in a transformation where agility, innovation, and implementation come to life!
A clear mind for strategic direction will secure achievement of your business objectives:
- Grow business
- Gain deep market insight
- Attract investors for growth
- Develop new products
- Diversify portfolio
- Gain/retain customers
- Establish strategic business partnerships
- Enter/expand in new markets
- Increase Operational excellence and agility
- Deploy resources effectively
- Make innovation happen
- Align the organization and stakeholders
- Realize business and digital transformation
- Ensure sustainability…
Devise and achieve your game plan, by:
✿ deep diving into strategic analyses
✿ collating opportunities based on solid insight
✿ generating innovative strategic alternatives
✿ designing effective strategies & roadmap for success
✿ creating business/functional strategic plans to support corporate strategies
✿ aligning around strategies
Our workshops are:
- offered in both Turkish and English.
- suitable for online delivery.
- tailored to your profile, needs, and scale.
Innovative Business Models
Design How You will Reach Your Target Audience with your Products, Services and Solutions, in a way that is both Sustainable and Profitable.
Additionally, how about creating an innovative Business Model that ensures the maximum benefit creation from growth-oriented activities like strategy, R&D, customer experience, or business development?
Business (Go To Market) Model will enlighten your way forward. We will co-:
. design Business Model with a brief cost & revenue input
. develop Full Business Model with cost, revenue & profit analysis
. develop Innovative Business Model, by utilizing one of valuable Guides, eg.:
– Blue Ocean Strategy (W. Chan Kim)
– Ten Types of Innovation: The Discipline of Building Breakthroughs (Brian Quinn)
– The Business Model Navigator (Gassmann, et al.).
Craft Tailored Marketing Strategies
Whether it’s establishing new companies, forming new business units, developing new products and services, entering new markets, creating new (distribution) channels, aligning marketing strategies with corporate strategies, undertaking digital transformation, or restructuring marketing, each necessitates the clarification of marketing strategies.
Let’s develop your marketing strategies in 5-steps, based on corporate strategic direction, three-year business performance, and future projections.